EU Exporters need to register with REX by 1st January 2022
Since Britain’s departure from the EU European operators have been allowed to export goods into the UK without providing a formal declaration of origin to the UK importer (or to the UK authorities). The idea is that the exporter can do this retrospectively, and provide a formal declaration to the importer by 1st January 2022. However, from 1st January 2022 EU operators will need to make this formal declaration of origin to the UK importer at the time of import. Where consignments have a value of more than €6,000, self-certification is permitted on condition that the exporter is registered with the Registered Exporter System (REX).

What is REX?
The Registered Exporter System (REX) is a system of certification of the origin of goods. It is based on the principle of self-certification. As the economic operator, you would declare the origin of goods yourself via ‘statements on origin’. To be entitled to carry out this procedure, your organisation must be registered in a database by the competent authorities.
There are several issues that, as a European operator, you need to keep in mind when exporting to the UK after January 1st 2022 –
- If your business isn’t REX registered and your consignment is more than €6,000 in value, then you cannot use preferential duty rates
- Economic operators are identified via their Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number
- There is a new declaration where a supplier provides his customer with relevant information concerning the origin of the goods under specific EU preferential trade agreements
For further information please see the following two links –Guidance on the application in the EU of the provisions concerning the supplier’s declaration and Guidance on preferential rules of origin.
Essential guidance on the Registered Exporter System – REX
For advice on carrying out business with the UK, please get in touch.
EU Exporters need to register with REX by 1st January 2022 Since Britain’s departure from the EU European operators have been allowed to export goods into the UK without providing a formal declaration of origin to the UK importer (or to the UK authorities). The idea is that the exporter can do this retrospectively, and […]